How to Build and Analyze a Medical Chronology Webinar
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. Building a Medical Chronology is an important part of Evaluating the Case. This course gives an overview of the Dr. Shim’s process of Building and Analyzing a Medical Chronology: How to organize the records Staff delegation issues Notes on pertinent records Separating the Subjective Complaints […]
Telemedicine Compulsory Medical Examinations Webinar
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. In Florida, a form of these evaluations is called Compulsory Medical Examinations. Dr. Shim is among the first to convert to Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations in Florida in response to the Covid-19 crisis. This course gives an overview of the process of Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations: […]
How to Build and Analyze a Medical Chronology Webinar
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. Building a Medical Chronology is an important part of Evaluating the Case. This course gives an overview of the Dr. Shim’s process of Building and Analyzing a Medical Chronology: How to organize the records Staff delegation issues Notes on pertinent records Separating the Subjective Complaints […]
Telemedicine Compulsory Medical Examinations Webinar
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. In Florida, a form of these evaluations is called Compulsory Medical Examinations. Dr. Shim is among the first to convert to Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations in Florida in response to the Covid-19 crisis. This course gives an overview of the process of Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations: […]
Telemedicine Compulsory Medical Examinations
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. In Florida, a form of these evaluations is called Compulsory Medical Examinations. Dr. Shim is among the first to convert to Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations in Florida in response to the Covid-19 crisis. This course gives an overview of the process of Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations: […]
Test – Telemedicine Compulsory Medical Examinations – Course ID #115740
A part of Dr. Shim’s practice includes performing medical-legal examinations. In Florida, a form of these evaluations is called Compulsory Medical Examinations. Dr. Shim is among the first to convert to Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations in Florida in response to the Covid-19 crisis. This course gives an overview of the process of Telemedicine Medical-Legal evaluations: […]
New Webinar Test 1
Sed et massa nec nisl interdum dignissim. Nulla mattis augue sed finibus gravida. Duis condimentum rutrum sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Donec ultricies ante id dignissim pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam dignissim convallis molestie. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. […]
Meeting 3
Test how to build chronolgoy
Test 2 Meeting
This is a test. Only employees.