Category: Research:


I’m Stopping the Use of Discography

For many chronic back pain patients,  a technique called discography has been used to determine the need for surgery.     The procedure has been controversial,  and a hotly debated topic by spine specialists. The procedure usually means a small needle is introduced into a disk,  and chemicals (usually saline,  contrast dye,  and some lidocaine) […]

Recurrent Herniated Nucleus Pulposus

  Statistically, Recurrent Herniated Nucleus Pulposus occur more commonly than hoped. When you have a Herniated Nucleus Pulposus,  the outer fibers of your disk, or the annulus has weakened allowing a tear, and subsequent rupture of the soft nucleus material out of the disk.  We can debate the cause of the weakening of the outer annulus,  but usually, it […]

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Results

How are the Results for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion? General consensus by most surgeons and patients report a 95%-98% success rate in terms of relief of arm pain.  That statistic is very important for everyone to understand. Cervical Discectomy Surgery is successful for ARM PAIN.  Unfortunately,  that does not mean neck pain, or headaches. Just […]

Are Restrictions Post Discectomy Necessary?

After lumbar disk surgery,  there is a common misconception that all future activities must be restricted.  More and more evidence indicates that the vast majority of post lumbar discectomy patients can and should be able to return back to all activities.   Medical Science is a constant evolution of thoughts and processes.  Thirty years ago,  patients […]

Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Works

The results of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion are excellent.  I find it strange that I must defend the results,  but we are in a new era of information.  Some would call it mis-information.  If you spend time researching cervical discectomy surgery,  you now see a trend where certain entities are advertising the radical nature of […]

Do I need a MRI?

That is a very common question asked by many of my patients.  And, the answer is “It depends”.  I know that is not very satisfying, but I will explain. MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  There are very scientific and exacting descriptions of the study, but I will try to break it down into the […]