Category: Research:


Patients can determine Spine Surgery Results

YOU can make a difference in your SPINE SURGERY results!  While patients often will look towards the skill of the surgeon, there are other important factors that will determine the outcome. Following post operative instructions can have a significant effect on the outcome.  YOU can improve your SPINE SURGERY OUTCOMES by listening to your SURGEON. […]

Lumbar Fusion Adjacent Level Disease

In the July 2004 Edition of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,  Dr. Ghiselli et al performed a retrospective review on patients that had undergone lumbar fusions by primarily by the Late Dr. Edgar Dawson,  distinguished professor and spine surgeon affliated with UCLA.  The goal was to establish the rate of developing symptomatic adjacent […]

Breast Reduction Surgery for Back Pain

Big Breasts can cause back pain!  This is obviously a sensitive topic,  but a common one discussed in many spine surgeon’s offices.   Just so it is clear,  spine surgeons do NOT perform Breast Reduction Surgery.  We,  however, are asked if the large sized breasts are the source of neck and or upper back pain.  Breast […]

The Advantages of Cervical Foraminotomy

I am assuming you have already had the discussion about the need for a neck surgery for a pinched nerve in the neck.  Let us assume you have already failed the standard non-surgical treatments including time,  medications,  therapy and injections.  Let us further assume certain diagnostic tests have isolated the pinched nerves to a specific […]

Treatment for back pain: NSAIDS, Exercise, Injections, and Vitamin D?

How many times have you seen a physician for low back pain and it was recommended that you take Vitamin D to treat it? The answer for most will be never.  Depending on the nature of your back pain, a combination of physical therapy exercises, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and perhaps a corticosteroid injection is more […]

Why I no Longer Accept Medicare

As of January 1, 2013,  I no longer participated in Medicare.  I was surprised by the reaction of some of the Medicare recipient patients.  Several wrote angry letters and made accusations of abandonment.  Though I had prepared my patients since early 2012, few thought I would go through with it.  In fact a fascinating thing […]