Category: Non Surgical:

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Text Neck and Forward Head Posture

Today, I want to talk about something that affects most of us: Text Neck and Forward Head Posture. If you take a look at someone who’s on their phone or laptop, chances are they’re going to be slumped forward with their head tilted down. Background Text neck refers to the repetitive stress injury caused by […]

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Understanding Scoliosis

The spine has a natural curvature shaped like an “S” when viewed from the side. The neck and lower back regions are “C” shaped while the middle chest region has a “reverse-C” shape. When viewed from the back the spine appears straight. An abnormal curvature in this plane, with rotation of the vertebrae, is called […]

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What is the best mattress?

We spend one-third our life sleeping or attempting to do so. We all know what a restless night and a lack of sleep can do: it can affect our immune system and affect both our physical and mental health. When you spend over a third of your life in bed, you want to make sure […]

Is Golf Bad For Your Back?

Is golf bad for my Back? The answer is yes. If you are a hard core golfer, you probably do not care. You might even be angry that I said this. Welcome to a conversation I have had 100’s of times during my career.  Despite the science, I cannot get my golfers to admit the […]

Is Tennis Bad For Your Back?

Is tennis bad for your back? The answer is maybe. Why do you ask this question? Are you a 5-0 player with back pain on your back hand or kick serve? Have you just started playing and noticed sciatica? Do you have back stiffness, and wondering if you should even start playing? For the avid […]

Placebo vs Nocebo Effect

What is the “Placebo Effect”?  The placebo effect refers to a phenomenon that occurs when patients show an improvement in their condition upon receiving treatment designed to have no therapeutic benefit.  It’s also known as the  “Sugar Pill Effect”.  In research trials,  an active treatment is tested on a group of subjects,  and then a similar […]