Category: Business:


Stem cells for Back Pain

Lately,  I am seeing more and more advertisements on the use of stem cells to cure almost everything. This is concerning to me as the science (or the FDA)  is not yet behind many of the treatments now being offered by many clinics and physicians. The FDA is now “cracking down” on many of these businesses for […]

Spine Technology. Is that all we Need?

I started my practice in 1993. Since that time, there have been significant technologic changes in medicine.  Spine Technology has experience significant advances. The whole medical experience has changed. I think for the most part better, but some will argue differently. In the 1970’s-1980’s, patients were routinely admitted to the hospital for very simple procedures. […]


It’s the healthcare word of the year and the biggest cultural change in healthcare we have seen in decades. Let’s talk… We know the cost of healthcare has increased dramatically over the last few years. The reasons for the increase are many or, depending on your political leanings, one. If nothing else positive has come […]

Compulsory Medical Examination

Since I started my practice in 1993, I have also been performing examinations that are now known as Compulsory Medical Evaluations. To those who do not know, it is an examination arranged to evaluate a person with claims of injury from an accident. The causes are usually related to a work injury, a motor vehicle […]

Are you being taken for an unhealthy ride?

Recently this article was produced on PBS News Hour and upset a lot of people (read comments). It also received some positive reviews, mostly from medical practitioners. After reading it, I have to say there is a general agreement among the physicians I have spoken to that much of this article is right on target. […]

Medicine and the Media

Why is Media so Important in Medicine? We often get asked in ShimSpine “There must be a mistake. Why does the board downstairs say Entangle Media is in this office? It’s a doctor’s office.” There is no mistake. Entangle Media is a big part of what we do at ShimSpine and here is why. Let’s […]