
The Cost of Healthcare in the USA

Healthcare expenses in the United States exceeds  17% of GDP and over $2.8 trillion in 2012. Yet the Physician fee component of that expense is only 8%.   In this debate over how to  control expenses,  most of the focus seems to be on curbing the Physician fee.   WHY?  Should we not focus on […]

Update on Adjacent Segment Degeneration

There remains considerable controversy on the nature of Adjacent Segment Degeneration after lumbar fusion.  To the non-spine surgeons,  the issue is the theory that a fusion operation places more stress on the levels above or below the fusion,  and will lead to accelerated degeneration and subsequent surgery.  In fact,  most surgeons will tell patients about […]

Spine Arthritis

Spine Arthritis has many forms.  The most common is secondary to the natural aging process.  While there are many scientific studies on why we get arthritis,  we have to accept the fact that our bodies are programmed to degenerate over time.  All things wear out over time.  The human body does have an amazing ability […]

Lumbar Synovial Cysts

Lumbar Synovial Cysts or Facet Cysts can be a source of pain to the back.  In most situations,  formation of these cysts are typical of the manifestations of degeneration and arthritis of a joint.  In the knee,  the Synovial Cyst is also called a Baker’s Cyst.  The arthritic condition of the knee causes production of […]

The MRI and Myelopathy

Lately,  I have seen a few patients that have been told they had Myelopathy.  After evaluating them,  I was certain that they have been misinformed about the nature of Myelopathy.  In the most simplest definition,  Myelopathy means irritation or damage to the spinal cord. The confusion is secondary to the definition of irritation or damage […]

How much Chiropractic Care is Reasonable?

This is a very common question asked by my patients. In the past, I could only suggest the patient speak to the Chiropractor and discuss the costs versus the benefits. There has been some information collected and discussed by the RAND Corporation in the early 1990’s.  Recommendations of Chiropractic treatments varied between 1-5 visits a […]