How Much is Your Time Worth?
We’ve all heard it said. “Time is money”. What does it really mean? Does it mean to do everything quickly because you’re losing money every time you slow down? Think about it. What a horrible way to live. You feel pressure every day to make every minute “worth it”. I’m as guilty as the next […]
Am I a Good Patient?
You could ask a hundred different offices what a “good patient” is to them and you would probably get a hundred different answers. Every practice has its own personality and personnel. What is important to each office will make or break an appointment. Let’s talk… There are certain things that will make your life easier […]
If I have a Disc Herniation, do I Need Surgery?
Many people are diagnosed with disc herniation throughout their lives. This can happen in any portion of the spine and is most often an acute event. Let’s talk….. A disc herniation is when the tough outer covering around one or more of the discs in the spine is interrupted and a piece of disc material […]
When Conservative Care Doesn’t Work
Throughout this website you will see all of us encouraging conservative care and not to have low back surgery until you have exhausted all other avenues. Most people do get better over time with physical therapy, medications, etc., but what if you don’t? Let’s talk……. If you have not improved in 3 months and the pain […]
Why do we blame your back for your leg pain?
Sciatica is one of the most common medical problems that take people to the doctor. Though you hear the word frequently, most people don’t understand what causes it and why we blame your back for that terrible pain in your leg. Let’s talk… . In your low back (lumbar spine) the nerves start separating within […]
Do You Need an Advocate?
The world of medicine has become increasingly more complicated over the last few years. You used to go to your primary care physician and he or she would send you to a specialist if necessary. You then did what the specialist recommended. Insurance has become more expensive, physician groups more competitive and the criteria for […]
Can a Hurricane Blow out Your Back?
As a former Nova Scotia girl and now a Florida resident, I am used to storms. Anyone who chooses to live in Florida takes the chance of running into a few hurricanes and learns very quickly how to prepare for them. As a nurse in Florida, I have seen many injuries from hurricanes but it wasn’t from […]
Feel My Pain
We are a surgical orthopedic practice. Every day we see patients in pain. We ask them to describe it; location, duration, sharp or dull, constant or intermittent, but we really have no way of measuring someone else’s pain. The tools we use now are inadequate and the information we get from them is misleading. Let’s […]
Is Your Job Ruining Your Workout?
We all know what we have to do. We spend so much of our time at our desks, on the computer, or in front of the television, our muscles can become weak and our bones, osteoporotic. We have to be more active but unfortunately our desk jobs are actually following us into the gym. Let’s […]
The Weekend Hockey Player
The Weekend Hockey Player As a native born Canadian, I grew up watching, cheering, and occasionally participating in hockey (I was terrible but two of my sisters were great, and still play). We see all these articles about herniated discs and athletes, but what of those who only dream of the NHL? Let’s talk… First […]