Author: Dr. Shim:


Does Lumbar Spinal Fusion work?

Spine technology continues to evolve,  despite the background debate on the cost and efficacy of spine surgery,  in general.  Since the early 2000’s,  the spine surgery community has been closely scrutinized by the government, and the payers of spine surgery services. While still being debated,  there is no question that the utilization of the lumbar […]

Spine Surgeon “Tough Love”

No one should want to see a Spine Surgeon.  The evaluation is  secondary to pain, and loss of activity.  Spine Surgery is painful.  It is a necessary,  difficult process that is beneficial to the patient in the long run.  That definition can also be considered a form of  “Tough Love”. Those who have delivered “Tough […]

Concussions Affect the Spine

The concussions in sports conversation will surely be brought up again as football season starts.   Most of the discussion is about the affects on the brain.  As a spine surgeon, I made a video to further the discussion as the spine and neck are also affected by the forces that cause concussions. CitationsElkin BS, Elliott […]

What is Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) ?

For certain people,  the source of back pain is the irritation associated with cartilage wear in the facet joints of the spine.  This wear and tear cause the nerves from that particular facet joint to excite,  and causes pain.  The typical pain is a back pain,  that localizes to the lower back,  and buttock,  or […]

Before you have Spine Surgery

“Before you have Spine Surgery……..”  there should be a discussion on the risks, benefits, and alternatives. I see patients for surgery second opinions almost every day.  Naturally,  the patients are in pain, and often have some weakness.  But,  I am surprised on how many patients have not truly explored their alternatives.  So,  here is a […]

Cervical Fusions in the NFL

Football is fun to watch, and play.  But,  as a  NFL player,  you are one down away from injury.  Unfortunately,  some injuries can be career ending.   I had previously blogged about the  rates of disk herniations in the NFL.  But, there is not much information about the results of certain surgically treated injuries until recently.  […]

5 Patient controlled Risk Factors for Spine Surgery

The TRUTH.   YOU the PATIENT have control over 5 of the risk factors associated with SPINE SURGERY: 1. SMOKING.  Smoking is associated with poor healing of the wounds.  From a very basic science perspective,  smoking decreases the blood flow to areas secondary by causing constriction of your arteries.  The lack of blood supply impedes healing […]

Disk Herniations in the NFL

Football season is starting NOW!     Whenever I watch the game,  even as an orthopaedic spine surgeon,  I am amazed there are not more injuries.    Considering the size and speed of those players,  you would think there would be an injury with every play.  Sometimes I am asked to consider the bio mechanics of […]

Outpatient Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

In times past,  people were admitted to the hospital for the simplest of surgical procedures.  In the 1970’s,  a two week admission to the hospital for a simple carpal tunnel surgery was routine.  People would be admitted  a day or two before surgery to get testing.  Surgery was then performed.  Then,  the patient was discharged […]

51% vs 49%

It only takes one grain to tip the scale As a treating Physician,  Spine Surgeon,  and a Medical Expert,  I am often asked to offer analysis on certain medical situations. I write letters,  and sign forms regarding return to work, work restrictions,  temporary disabled parking permits,  the need for additional medications,  and therapy.  I am often […]