Month: February 2014:

Stem Cells to Treat Back Pain

Stem Cells to Treat Back Pain Beyond the standard, traditional treatments for low back pain, stem cell therapy is an alternative approach that is in its infancy but may become a viable treatment option for many.  In simplest form, stem cells are cells that are taken from within the body that can differentiate (develop into […]

Back Pain and Traveling

Back pain is inconvenient at best,  life altering at worst.   Still,  with or without it,  we must continue to do what we need to do to participate in the activities of life.  A common question asked by patients concern traveling.  The specific questions asked are, when I have back pain, can I ride on a […]

Disk Surgery

Have you been told you need Disk Surgery?   Unfortunately, that is a common situation faced by many patients that suffer from back pain with radiating,  shooting leg pain. In extreme situations,  such as severe weakness, or loss of control of bowel and bladder function,  assuming the disk is the cause of the problem,  you will need […]

Don’t Just Sit There..If you want to be healthy

Have you ever considered how many hours per day that you sit?   Do not forget to count the time spent sitting while eating breakfast, the car ride to work, perhaps an 8 hour day at the office, the car ride home, sitting at the dinner table, and then reclining in front of the television for […]

Neck Pain Treatment

Are you interested in Neck Pain Treatments?  Obviously, you have neck pain.  Your physician must now figure out why. Initially, your physician may ask a series of questions about the pain: When did the neck pain start? Is there any associated trauma, such as a fall, accident, or altercation? Was the development of pain gradual, […]